I knew in my heart I truly was a geek, a nerd, whatever the term-du-jour is for people who love learning, when I realized I truly missed being in school.  Once I was an adult and working and in “the real world”, I took night classes whenever I could.  They were primarily business courses, to further my career- but I also took fun classes like Self- Hypnotism and Creative Writing.  I found I had an almost compulsive desire to learn.  I also supplemented my quest for learning by reading non-fiction and fiction books of several different genres.

I am proud to say that to this day I am a Perpetual Student, and there has never been a better time for folks like me.  The internet has opened up the floodgates so we can learn about pretty much any subject.  Personally, I find myself spending most of my free time doing one of the three R’s- Reading, ‘Riting, or Roaming (the internet)!

The reading and the roaming around on the internet satisfy my insatiable desire to learn about the world around me.  Although my tastes and interests are somewhat eclectic, a common theme is the study of human nature.  Why do people do what they do?  Good fiction contains interesting characters that make us care about them and want to read the story through to the end.  Learning how to craft a compelling story that entertains and touches the reader in a satisfying way is one of my life-long goals.  I believe the study of human nature is crucial to crafting characters that are believable and at the same time, transport us to places we have never been.

Life is full of lessons every day; like a universal classroom.   By sharing my observations of events in my own life, I hope to discover what motivates us humans to do the things we do.  I will also discuss trends in popular fiction, review books, and maybe even interview a published author or two.

One of my personal goals is to become a published author, but until that happens, I am happy to share my experiences along the way.  Plus, I just love to write!

I welcome feedback, opinions, and your own take on whatever the subject of each blog is.  Keep in mind, what I write is simply my view, my opinion.  I am not trying to convince anyone of anything- we all have to find our own way.

Thanks for listening.  Keep on learning!


  1. I, too, am a professional student, though of late, I’m more selective about my pursuits. I love blogging. I hope you’ll find it fun and rewarding.


    Linda Joyce


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